Objects & Space — The Furniture Society

This exhibition design was part of The Furniture Society’s booth at Interior Design Show Vancouver, 2017, where they won the award for Best Exhibit Space Design.

The Furni­ture Society is a nonprofit, educa­tional orga­ni­za­tion founded in 1996. The Society spon­sors a variety of programs that contribute to the educa­tion and enrich­ment of members and the public. Built on a tradi­tion of volun­teerism, The Furni­ture Society works to realize its mission through educational programs, publi­ca­tions, exhi­bi­tions, recog­ni­tion of excel­lence in the field, and annual conferences.

Work done for Longstocking Design (Portland, Maine)

Design: Justin Lumière
Art Direction: Beth Taylor

Photos courtesy of The Furniture Society


Still Standing

